09 September 2008

Do you ever get the impression...

....that people pick political candidates the same way they pick their second favorite sports team?

By second favorite I mean the team they root for when their home team doesn't win shit. That team has a funny way of being one of the two teams in the world series or superbowl or NBA finals or whatevs. I think you get what I'm saying. Usually the one that's favored to win.

Yes. What I'm saying is I'm starting to suspect that most people vote for the candidate they think has the greatest chance of winning. That way they can be part of the in crowd.

Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow. Right now I'm not feeling particularly hopeful about this election. All the fucking pigs working for the McCain campaign while simultaneously serving as analysts on various "news" networks clearly consider this election (and politicking in general) a highly amusing game. I hope they befall some awful accident that their health insurance provider decides it won't cover. Really I do. I don't usually wish disease or death on people as I find it unseemly. But I guess they've successfully knocked my noble ass off my ratty old steed.

Again: Jackasses.

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